Bonnie Goetz, MA

Licensed Professional Counselor

I Help Clients Who Are:

  • Having difficulty figuring out why they, or others, do things they can’t understand (“Why do I keep doing this? Why is this so hard for me? Why do I feel so bad? Am I stuck in a pattern?”)

  • Struggling with a lack of meaning or purpose in their life.

  • Feeling drained, depressed or anxious.

  • Living with traits of being Highly Sensitive or with Sensory Processing Sensitivity (Different from Sensory Processing Disorders, such as Autism).

  • Having difficulty navigating a relationship that they aren’t sure is good for them.

  • “People pleasers”; putting the needs of others before themselves, whatever the situation.

  • Hard on themselves beyond what is actually helpful; having difficulty with self-compassion.

  • Struggling with feeling that something is “wrong” with them because of their current struggles.

  • Wondering about their greater story they are living out and how the psyche is pushing them towards this.

  • Having difficulty speaking up in their relationships because they’d rather avoid conflict.

  • Wanting to explore what the invitation of their symptom(s) or problem might be.

  • Unsure in their current relationship (is it me, or them, that is at the root of our problems?)

Individual Sessions

I help clients through life’s challenges. I employ a range of therapeutic practices including mindfulness, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), communication skills, emotion regulation techniques, boundary setting, inner parts work, soul retrieval, skills for increasing self-awareness, exploring the root of the symptoms, as well as shadow and dream work.