Antagonistic Relational Stress/ Narcissistic Abuse (ARS/ NA)
Antagonistic Relational Stress is a pervasive and insidious experience where symptoms occur as a result of being in relationship with someone with an antagonistic personality style. This can happen with a spouse or partner, parent(s), a boss, friend or anywhere significant relationships occur.
People with antagonistic personality styles demonstrate:
Lack of Empathy
Contempt for others
Feelings of chronic unfounded victimization
A very high need for admiration and validation
Shifting Masks
Projection of their own shame
Manipulation (including gaslighting)
A high emotional reactivity (difficulty regulating emotions)
This interactional style can leave lasting scars on the partner, child, coworker, etc. who is in relationship with this person. Whether in romantic relationships, familial dynamics, or professional environments, the impact of Antagonistic Relational Stress can be profound, affecting every aspect of an individual's life. Dr. Ramani Durvasula PhD., a pioneer in the realm of ARS, describes the effects of being in relationship with an antagonistic personality style in the following categories:
Thoughts and Beliefs:
Rumination, regret, only recollecting the “good stuff”, helplessness, hopelessness, powerlessness, confusion, perfectionism, guilt.
How You Experience Yourself in the World:
Loneliness, difficulties with trust, isolation, shame.
Severe Stress Responses:
Flashbacks, hypervigilence, hyperarousal, difficulty concentrating, dissociating through numbing.
Your Sense of Self and Responsibility:
Fear of being alone, self-doubt, self-devaluation, self-blame, self-loathing.
Your emotions:
Depression, grief, irritability, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, apathy, amotivation, anhedonia (no joy or pleasure).
Things you do to manage the relationship:
Appeasing, reassuring, apologizing, self-monitoring, self-denial.
The ways this relationship affects your health:
Sleep difficulties, physical health issues, self-care deficits, fatigue/ exhaustion, maladaptive coping.
“It’s Not You”
Dr. Ramani Durvasula